Machine Shop

Power and Compressor Cylinder Relining

New Power Cylinder liner on lathe.JPG Power Cylinder Bore for Reline.JPG Cutting Ports for New power Cylinder Liner.jpg

Rod and Piston Manufacturing and Repair

IMG_1116.jpg New Piston Manufuactured.jpg IMG_0884.jpg

Frac Pump/Fluid End Repair and Modification

Rebuilding a fluid end.JPG Rebuilt Fluid End -Complete.jpg Rebuilding -Welding up Fluid End -Frac.JPG Rebuild Frac Pump Power End 2.jpg

Power Cylinder Head Cylinder Head Repair and Exchange Program

Testing -Rebuilding Heads.PNG Power Cylinder Heads.jpg

Packing Cases Repair and Exchange Program

packing case repair.jpg Packing case Rebuilt.jpg